Studio Branding

💬 Context

After finishing my doctoral study in spring Twenty22, I creates a design studio. 🖌 FUZN STUDIO ✒️ A studio where fusion between my logical and creative brains occur by the act of push and pull. My studio aims to communicate science w/ design and I designed a complete brand identity package (/logo/social media graphics/style guidelines) to launch the business.

👨🏽‍🎨 Role

Branding Designer

🗿 Client


🛠 Tools

Illustrator | Adobe Color | Figma | Notion

⏰ Timeline

Apr, Twenty22 - May, Twenty22

🎯 Objective

For FUZN to go live as a business, it needed a core identity. What is the brand story? values? personality? etc. The objective was to develop and deliver materials for FUZN to communicate its mission and a reason for its establishment.


  1. Research and formulate FUZN’s story, core values, and a mission statement

  2. Design a brand logo and a tagline

  3. Develop a robust branding style guidelines for employees to use

🔲 Design Process

First step of my process was to formulate a mission statement and brand values. I then identified the mood and a personality of FUZN so that the audience can feel the brand and what it represents. Logo and color palette were designed with an iterative process with critical input from fellow artist and designer friends. Finally I compiled all of the material in a guideline format for ease of access by FUZN employees.

Mission + Values

My goal with FUZN is to articulate complex information into relatable stories particularly when it comes to scientific stories. I am a trained bioengineer and am passionate about the biomedical revolution that is approaching fast. FUZN’s role is to bring scientific knowledge into the mainstream by distilling information into engaging artworks. I believe in the notion that…

I can change the perception of the masses towards biotechnology by using design.

With that in mind I came up with the following…

Communicate Science w/ Design
— Mission Statement

Vision | One day new information will be as easily digestible as information in children’s book.


Brand Logo

“A computer is a Lite-Brite for bad F****** ideas.”

Lo-fi Sketches for Logo Design

Hi-fi Designs for Logo


🥇 Black-ish + White-ish | 🥈 Turquoise + Yellow + Pink | 🚨 Terra-cotta Orange


🔳 Design Decisions

The final decision became substantially easy when I performed a “doodle test” with some friends. Can they quickly remember and draw the basic elements of my logo? This relieved that the letters FUZN were the primary element of the logo and eliminated logo concepts that relied heavily on external shapes.

The Final Logo Designs

🧰 Branding Tools + Style Guide


🪔 Takeaways

  1. Thoughtfulness is the name of the game. I learned to articulate and inject the values and mission into every single design element of the FUZN brand

  2. Identification of a type of personality that FUZN would entail helped to make nuanced decisions. Does this element serve a purpose to be personable? This was the question that I asked myself constantly

  3. Do the doodle test for your logo design and revise the design based on the learnings